What is Grounding & What are its Life-Changing Benefits?

What is Grounding & What are its Life-Changing Benefits?


By connecting to the earth, free electrons from the earth are being transferred to the body providing an increase in energy.”

Grounding is a technique to establish a direct connection with the electro-magnetic field of the earth to keep us healthy and happy. The electro-magnetic field of the earth has a powerful impact on our health, helping us to stay connected to ourselves, strengthen our immunity, and boost our endorphin levels. That's why grounding has proven to be extremely beneficial on a mental, emotional, and physical level. 

So what is grounding? Grounding, also called earthing, can be practiced through walking barefoot, lying on the grass, or spending time in nature. By connecting to the earth, free electrons from the earth are being transferred to the body providing an increase in energy, while unhealthy radio waves, such EMF (electro-magnetic frequencies) from 5G antennas, long hours at a computer, or artificial light, are being discharged into the earth. By removing an overcharge of EMF from our bioenergetic field, we are brought back to a state of balance. 

Unhealthy radio waves, such EMF (electro-magnetic frequencies) from 5G antenas, are being discharged into the earth. By removing an overcharge of EMF from our bioenergetic field, we are brought back to a state of balance.”

People often notice that they feel more peaceful, relaxed, energized, and connected to the world around them after a grounding session. Studies have shown that grounding can lead to life-changing benefits, such as faster wound healing, the reduction of pain in the body, a decrease in inflammation and anxiety, and it can even be helpful in healing auto-immune diseases, such as fibromyalgia. 


Healthy Ways To Ground Yourself

There are many ways to ground yourself; the primary ones are spending time in nature.

Try to integrate the following practices into your weekly schedule and notice the benefits for yourself!

Grounding Practices: 

  • walking barefoot for 30 minutes
  • spending an hour in nature
  • swimming in a lake or ocean
  • attending an ecstatic dance
  • doing regular yoga practice

To stay grounded in a city where access to nature is limited, new products have been created to help you stay grounded. Some of them you can wear, others you can use at home. A grounding mat, for example, is often produced with grounded materials or directly connect through a grounding rod with the soil outside. 

Grounding Products:

  • mats (inlcude link to Gaya)
  • wrists or ankle bands
  • sheets
  • adhesive patches
  • barefoot footwear

Grounding products are a great addition to engaging in grounding practices. In fact, using grounding practices outdoors and grounding products indoors sets you up for optimal health and a balanced mood. 


Watch This Movie on the Astounding Benefits of Grounding and Grounding Products

(embed this link: https://youtu.be/44ddtR0XDVU)


Grounding is an essential part of our lives. It helps us to feel good, stay connected to nature, and boost our immunity and stress resistance. Its many incredible benefits have been researched in documentaries and clinical studies alike.

The Life-Changing Benefits of Grounding

Thick rubber or plastic soles of shoes interfere with the natural exchange of electrons between the earth and the feet.”

Grounding is nothing new in the world of natural medicine. In fact, grounding practices have been prescribed for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine, indigenous practices, and herbalism. That's why many indigenous cultures don't wear shoes. 

A Native American once said to a visitor, “Take off your shoes, they make you sick.” Meaning that the thick rubber or plastic soles of shoes interfere with the natural exchange of electrons between the earth and the feet. Natural materials, on the other side, such as leather, raffia, or fiber materials, are keeping the natural flow of earth energy unhindered. 

Grounding benefits discovered through scientific studies:

  1. Improved immune system functions (particularly the concentrations of white blood cells and cytokines)
  2. Reduced muscle soreness
  3. Reduced pain in the body
  4. Boosted metabolic rate
  5. Reduced inflammation
  6. Disease prevention (e.g. inflammatory and autoimmune conditions)
  7. Reduced stress and anxiety
  8. Improved wound healing
  9. Decreased fatigue and tiredness
  10. 10.Reduced inflammation
  11. 11.Boosted happiness
  12. 12.Improved sleep quality
  13. 13.Discharging unhealthy EMF radiation from the body from WiFi and 5G

Counter-Indications to Grounding

If you watch TikTok videos for an hour before going to sleep and have a lot of artificial light around you during the day, the grounding benefits will be less noticeable.”

Even though grounding can be practiced by anyone at any age, it's important to say that grounding only works, if you live a lifestyle in tune with nature. For example, you can walk barefoot for 15 minutes each day and use a grounding mat for better sleep quality. However, if you spend all day indoors in front of a screen, watch TikTok videos for an hour before going to sleep, and have a lot of artificial light around you during the day, your bioenergy will still be impacted by the long hours of EMF radiation. 15 minutes of walking barefoot would be a drop on a hot stone in this case.

It's important to reduce your general exposure to EMF, such as Wi-Fi, 5G, electrical light, and screens. You can do that by putting your phone more often on flight-mode during the day, turning off your Wi-Fi router at night before going to sleep, and dimming the light in the evening so that your body releases melatonin, the sleep hormone, so that you fall asleep more easily and sleep deeper.

Furthermore, a healthy lifestyle with foods directly coming from earth, such as fruits and vegetables, grains, and proteins, regular fitness and yoga, as well as a set hour to go to sleep that's in tune with the natural rhythm of the day, will help you stay grounded in the long run. 


Final Thoughts on What is Grounding 

We hope that our article on what is grounding and what its life-changing benefits inspired you to practice grounding on a daily basis! Grounding is beneficial for everyone at every age and can help to improve the overall quality of your life tremendously. 


If you'd like to start grounding at home with Gaya Grounding Mats, visit our shop here.


About the author: Anne H. is a certified yoga teacher, meditation teacher on Insight Timer, Reiki Master, journalist, and retreat leader. She has presented her work on festivals and retreats around the world, and has been working with people 1:1 for the past 10 years. 


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